On the ground in Africa, the staff consists of our teachers in the primary and secondary schools and members of the local committee that oversees all aspects of PACAW, Inc. programs in the community. At our present major location in Kwara State, Nigeria, the local committee includes a retired school teacher and a representative of the Palace (Royal Chief) of the village. The chair of the committee is in frequent contact with the coordinator of PACAW, Inc. activities in the state. The coordinator is a member of the Board.
This model has worked very well for us. The community leaders take an active role in making sure that the funds for our programs are spent wisely and that the infrastructure and equipments we provide in the schools are well maintained. We plan to use this model at our other sites as we proceed with this endeavour in other locations nationally and internationally within Africa. This, of course is totally dependent on availability of funds.

PACAW, Inc. teachers and staff in the primary and secondary schools, 2024/2025 academic year in Koro-Ekiti, Kwara State, Nigeria, West Africa.